Microsoft has introduced a new feature in Power Apps Studio: Code View, now available in public preview. This significant advancement enhances the flexibility and functionality of Power Apps for developers and power users alike.

Understanding Code View

Code View allows users to directly manipulate the underlying code of their Power Apps. This feature offers a granular level of control and customization, enabling developers to fine-tune app behaviors and functionalities with precision. By providing direct access to the code, Microsoft aims to bridge the gap between low-code and traditional development environments, catering to a wide range of user needs and skill levels.

Key Benefits and Features

  • Enhanced Customization: Code View allows developers to write formulas, define complex logic, and seamlessly integrate with external APIs.
  • Debugging Capabilities: Direct code access makes debugging more intuitive, facilitating quicker identification and resolution of issues.
  • Advanced Integration: Code View supports deeper integrations with Azure services and other external systems, expanding app capabilities beyond the standard Power Apps environment.
  • Collaboration: Teams can share and review code snippets within the Power Apps Studio interface, promoting knowledge sharing and faster development cycles.

Practical Applications

From creating sophisticated business workflows to building robust mobile applications, Code View empowers users to push the boundaries of what’s possible with Power Apps. Developers can implement intricate business rules, optimize performance, and deliver more tailored user experiences, all within a familiar and accessible environment.

Getting Started with Code View

Users can access the public preview of Code View through their Power Apps Studio instances. Microsoft provides comprehensive documentation and tutorials to help users familiarize themselves with the new feature and maximize its potential. Developers can now view and use the source code in a readable YAML + Power Fx format, selecting any screen or specific control to visualize the underlying code.


Here’s an example of code you can copy and paste directly into your Power App:

Header1: Control: Header Properties: IsLogoVisible: =false Title: =$"Welcome to Code View, {User().FullName}"

You can copy the above code and paste it into the control in Power Apps Studio to see the results.

Reference: Introducing Code View in Power Apps Studio (Public Preview) – Microsoft Power Platform Blog

By Sigar Dave

Technical Solutions Professional | Modern Workplace Architect Lead | Microsoft 365 | SharePoint | Power Platform | MS Teams | React

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