I am a new bee in the world of word press.Actually I am not a new to the wordpress or blogging sites like wordpress or blogger. I have my couple of blogs in blogger few time ago. But then I switched to the WordPress blogs and then ultimately had my own domain on which you are right now 🙂

Basically a main purspose of having a blog is to store information which can be useful to others and yourself and yeah as you will say making some money.

I am not the exception to this and for that I decided to have most successful advertising platform “Google AdSense”.

But as I said I am new bee in the world of wordpress, I am not familiar about how to get that setup in my own domain.

At that time google has come to my rescue and I found one plugin which does this job easily for me without any much hassle.

I know you all are curious to know the name of that plugin, so not making you wait longer I am reveling the name of that plugin.

So the name of that plug in issssss…. “Easy Google AdSense

This is the coolest plugin I have came across to setup my adsense account in my word press site.

You can read their documentation to know How to install it and configure it with your Google Adsense account.

Link for the site : https://noorsplugin.com/easy-google-adsense-plugin-wordpress/

If you have used this or any other cool thing to achieve this same, do let me know in a comments below.

Happy Publishing!!!!

By Sigar Dave

Technical Solutions Professional | Modern Workplace Architect Lead | Microsoft 365 | SharePoint | Power Platform | MS Teams | React

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