Welcome back, everyone, to another exciting video! Today, we have a special treat for all you SharePoint enthusiasts out there. We’ll be diving into some SharePoint Framework (SPFx) questions for intermediate users.
Whether you’re a developer or an aspiring SharePoint expert, these questions will put your knowledge to the test! And fear not, we’ve got the answers ready to help you out. So, let’s get started!

Question 1: What is SharePoint Framework, and how does it differ from the classic SharePoint development model?

The SharePoint Framework (SPFx) is a modern client-side development model for building custom solutions in SharePoint Online and SharePoint 2019. Unlike the classic SharePoint development model that primarily relied on
server-side code and sandbox solutions, SPFx allows developers to build solutions using popular client-side technologies such as React, Angular, and TypeScript. This approach enables developers to create responsive and
user-friendly experiences within the SharePoint environment.

Question 2: Moving on to the next question: What are the key components of a SharePoint Framework solution?

A SharePoint Framework solution consists of the following key components:

Web Parts: These are the building blocks of SPFx solutions, representing custom components that can be added to SharePoint pages.
Extensions: Extensions allow you to extend the SharePoint user experience, such as adding custom menus or headers.
Libraries: SPFx solutions can utilize external libraries or APIs to enhance functionality.
Configuration: SPFx solutions can have configurable properties that users can set to personalize their experience.
Deployment Assets: These include files like JavaScript, CSS, and images required for the solution to function correctly.

Question 3: How can you debug a SharePoint Framework solution?

To debug a SharePoint Framework solution, you have a few options:

Local Workbench: Use the local SharePoint Workbench to test and debug web parts in your development environment without deploying to SharePoint Online.
Hosted Workbench: You can also deploy your SPFx solution to a SharePoint Online test site and use the hosted Workbench for debugging.
Browser Developer Tools: Modern browsers offer powerful developer tools to inspect and debug client-side code. Use them to identify and fix issues in your solution.

Question 4: Here’s a coding-related question: How do you make REST API calls in SharePoint Framework?

To make REST API calls in SharePoint Framework, you can use the SPHttpClient class provided by the SPFx framework. This class abstracts the underlying HTTP requests and handles authentication automatically. You can choose between GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc., methods to interact with SharePoint data using REST endpoints. Ensure you have the necessary permissions to access the SharePoint data you are querying or updating.

Question 5: Last but not least: What are the best practices for deploying SharePoint Framework solutions?

Some best practices for deploying SharePoint Framework solutions include:

Minimizing External Dependencies: Reduce reliance on external resources to improve solution performance and maintainability.
Implementing Versioning: Always include version numbers for your SPFx solutions to enable easy rollback and updates.
Following ALM Practices: Utilize Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) techniques, such as continuous integration and automated testing, to ensure a smooth deployment process.
Properly Handling Errors: Implement error handling to provide meaningful feedback to users and facilitate issue resolution.
Monitoring and Maintenance: Regularly monitor your solutions for performance and functional issues and keep them up to date with SharePoint changes.

Question 6: Time for another question: What is the role of the “gulp serve” command in SharePoint Framework development?

The “gulp serve” command is a crucial part of the SharePoint Framework development process. It initiates a local development server that allows you to test and preview your SPFx solutions in real-time. With “gulp serve,” you can see how your web parts and extensions will behave in the SharePoint context before deploying them to a live environment.

Question 7: Let’s talk about SharePoint Framework versioning. What is the significance of the “package-solution.json” file in SPFx solution development?

The “package-solution.json” file is used to manage the versioning of SharePoint Framework solutions. It contains information about the solution, including its version number, which is crucial for tracking changes and ensuring
smooth updates. When deploying an updated version of your solution, the version number in this file must be incremented to trigger the update for end-users.

Question 8: How can you make your SharePoint Framework solution responsive and adaptive to different screen sizes?

To make your SPFx solution responsive and adaptive, you should utilize CSS media queries. By setting specific styles based on the screen width or device type, you can ensure that your web parts and extensions look and function
correctly across various devices, such as desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Question 9: Moving on to authentication: How can you implement secure authentication in SharePoint Framework solutions?

SharePoint Framework solutions support various authentication methods, including ADAL (Active Directory Authentication Library), MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library), and AAD (Azure Active Directory) authentication. By utilizing these libraries, you can securely authenticate users and ensure that only authorized individuals can access your solution’s functionality.

Question 10: SharePoint Framework provides various client-side APIs. Can you explain the purpose of the “sp-pnp-js” library?

The “sp-pnp-js” library, also known as PnP (Patterns and Practices), is a popular JavaScript library used in SharePoint Framework solutions. It provides a set of convenient methods and abstractions to interact with SharePoint data using REST APIs. PnP simplifies common tasks, such as CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on lists and libraries, making it easier and faster to develop SPFx solutions.

Question 11: Let’s talk about bundling and minification. Why is it essential to bundle and minify your SharePoint Framework solution before deployment?

Bundling and minification are essential steps in the SharePoint Framework development process. Bundling combines multiple files into a single file, reducing the number of HTTP requests required to load your solution.
Minification, on the other hand, removes unnecessary characters and spaces from your JavaScript and CSS files, reducing their size. These optimizations result in faster loading times and improved performance for end-users.

Question 12: SharePoint Framework supports both tenant-scoped and site-scoped deployment. When would you choose one over the other?

The choice between tenant-scoped and site-scoped deployment depends on the scope of your solution’s functionality.

Tenant-scoped solutions are deployed at the tenant level and can be used across multiple sites within the tenant.
Site-scoped solutions, on the other hand, are limited to a specific site collection. Choose tenant-scoped deployment when your solution offers functionality that is relevant and beneficial to multiple sites, and opt for
site-scoped deployment for site-specific enhancements.

Question 13: SharePoint Framework solutions often require external libraries or resources. How can you efficiently manage and load these dependencies?

To efficiently manage and load external dependencies in SPFx solutions, you can use the “SPComponentLoader” class. This class provides methods to load JavaScript and CSS files dynamically at runtime. Additionally, you can use tools like npm and webpack to handle dependencies and ensure that only the necessary resources are loaded, optimizing your solution’s performance.

Question 14: SharePoint Framework solutions can leverage third-party APIs. What are the security considerations when interacting with external APIs?

When using third-party APIs in SPFx solutions, security is of utmost importance. Ensure that you’re using secure and authenticated endpoints. Avoid exposing sensitive information, such as API keys, in client-side code. Consider using server-side code or Azure Functions as a middle tier to interact with the external API securely. Always validate and sanitize data received from external APIs to prevent security vulnerabilities.

Question 15: Lastly, let’s talk about localization in SharePoint Framework solutions. How can you make your web parts multilingual to cater to a diverse audience?

To make SPFx web parts multilingual, you can use the SharePoint Framework localization feature. By using the “@microsoft/sp-lodash-subset” library, you can access the localization API and retrieve localized strings based on the user’s language preferences. Store the localized strings in separate resource files for each supported language, making it easy to update and maintain translations for your solution.

That concludes our set of 15 intermediate-level SharePoint Framework interview questions! I hope you found this session informative and beneficial for your SharePoint development journey. Don’t forget to like and share this video if you enjoyed it. Happy coding!

Youtube Video link: SPFx Interview Questions with Answers | #spfx | #sharepointonline | #sharepointtips – YouTube

Channel Link: SharePoint Guy – YouTube

By Sigar Dave

Technical Solutions Professional | Modern Workplace Architect Lead | Microsoft 365 | SharePoint | Power Platform | MS Teams | React

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