This post is a in the continuation with the previous post. If you have not read that you can read it at here


If the organisation requires the ability to co-author on Microsoft Office documents in the library, it is recommended not to turn on the ‘Require Check Out’ setting.

The function of this feature is to prevent alteration of a document by multiple individuals. This is a good feature to have when there is more than one person working on a specific project or to prevent another from making changes to completed work without consulting you about it first.

Key benefits:

  • Minimising data conflicts by turning on the require check out feature
  • Allowing for co-authoring of Microsoft Office documents when the require check out feature is turned off
  • Maintain data integrity.


In document libraries, the permissions recommended to be set up is to adhere to using SharePoint groups rather than granting users access directly to the library. This minimizes admin overhead from a permissions management perspective.

With this security model, users can be added/removed from the SharePoint group(s), which subsequently controls their access levels to the library, depending on the group’s assigned permission levels on the library. Without the need for folders, permissions can be set up directly on the document library (if the library is to have unique permissions different to the site level permissions), otherwise the library’s permissions can inherit from the defined permissions at the site level.

Key benefits:

  • Controlling who has access to specific content in document libraries using the SharePoint security model.


The All Documents document library view is the default view that typically always has all the metadata properties in the library visible. This view is to be used for doing bulk tagging on the documents in the library, post the bulk upload of files. It can also be considered as the administrative view of the library.

Key benefits:

  • Improved content find-ability
  • Reporting of content
  • Enhanced user productivity
  • Bulk tagging of documents in the library post bulk upload.


Alerts can be set up in a document library. They will inform you if someone is trying to change or delete your documents in some form or fashion. It will also keep you up to date on what has been added / changed in the document library through email notifications. The following are the available options to configure for the alert:

Key benefits:

  • Stay up to date with content updates in the document library
  • Enhance document library collaboration
  • Improve productivity.

Thanks and Happy SharePointing!!!

Courtesy: you can read the whole article here

By Sigar Dave

Technical Solutions Professional | Modern Workplace Architect Lead | Microsoft 365 | SharePoint | Power Platform | MS Teams | React

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