Exciting news! Microsoft is rolling out a fresh forms experience in Microsoft Lists for Microsoft 365 users. The goal is simple: to streamline data collection and save time.

Now, creating and sharing forms within Lists is easier than ever.

Follow below steps for the same:

1. Go to the Microsoft Lists

2. Click on the Forms

3. This form will have all the files of the Microsoft Lists

4. You can add a new field in the form as well as hide it.

5. Change the theme of the form

6. Click on Send Form to generate a link

7. Share this link with the users who will fill in the form to insert a record in the Microsoft List.

Key Features:

  • Modern Design: Create forms quickly with a sleek design.
  • Effortless Sharing: Share forms via a link within your organization.
  • Focused Responses: Recipients fill out forms without seeing the full list.
  • Instant Integration: Responses appear immediately as new list items.
  • Versatility: Use forms for various purposes, from recruitment to expense tracking.
  • Customization: Personalize forms with logos, themes, and user-friendly questions.
  • Flexibility: Hide unnecessary fields or add new ones directly within the form.
  • Control: Stop accepting responses at any time.
  • Accessibility: Forms can be accessed and submitted from desktop or mobile browsers.
  • Security: Submitters must be logged into Microsoft 365, ensuring data privacy.
  • No External Tools Required: The new forms experience is native to Microsoft Lists, eliminating the need for external tools like Microsoft Forms or Power Apps.

Tags: #microsofotLists #newexperience #forms
Microsoft 365 roadmap ID: 124865.

Reference Article: Collect information like a pro – New Microsoft Lists forms experience

By Sigar Dave

Technical Solutions Professional | Modern Workplace Architect Lead | Microsoft 365 | SharePoint | Power Platform | MS Teams | React

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